Date posted: 12th Aug 2024
By Carl Wright, partner and responsible business lead
‘Responsible Business’ is a buzzword for almost every business at the moment, but what does it mean and how do we achieve this?
The business world is changing, and as an accountancy firm, we often see the wide ranging impact of sustainability considerations facing businesses, allowing us to identify trends and spot potential solutions. The ICAEW recently suggested that SME accounting firms such as Clive Owen LLP play a pivotal role in encouraging sustainable drivers within other businesses, acting as a trusted adviser to support the process.
Sustainability can significantly impact organisations in many ways. This focus can help to increase energy efficiency and reduce waste, which can be financially beneficial to SMEs. It can also bring potential market expansion opportunities, with a newfound focus from customers and employees on sustainability and environmental health.
In my role as responsible business lead, I have been able to explore the meaning of sustainability and consider Clive Owen LLP’s wider impacts. To support my knowledge, I decided to complete the ACCA Certificate in Sustainability. This qualification allowed me to understand the principles of ESG and sustainable regulation, whilst integrating climate-related metrics and UN SDGs into the firm’s day to day work. I am now able to highlight environmental issues within the businesses that I work with, such as using paper-based systems or having a lack of ESG data. Added to this, I am proud to be an ICAEW Climate Champion, joining a range of other company leaders working to spread the message on the benefits of responsible business.
Across our offices in the North East and Yorkshire, we have reviewed our existing policies and embraced change management to enhance our responsible business practices. This is led by a strategic team who meet regularly to discuss short and long-term plans and initiatives. Our teams are involved in sustainability efforts and all our colleagues are given regular updates on new processes and ideas. We recently launched our second impact report, detailing our progress to date, which you can read here.
Our aim is to make profit with purpose, giving more to our clients than just a financial service and supporting the communities in which we work. Our work on being a sustainable business has been recognised through the receipt of Good Business Charter accreditation. The Charter has ten components which cover areas including employee conditions, the environment and the treatment of clients and suppliers. We have achieved all ten components of the Charter, which align with our values and aspiration for growth.
You can find out more about our sustainable focus here.