Date posted: 24th Apr 2023
Clive Owen LLP is investing in potentially life-saving defibrillators at its York office.
Initially, 2 of the team will be trained in the use of the defibrillators, and CPR. Louise Harrison an assistant manager in tax and Ryan Bentley an associate in audit and accounts both volunteered for the opportunity.
Every year in the UK there are more than 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, however fewer than one in 10 people survive. This is partly because public-access defibrillators are used in less than 10 per cent of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests.
A survey of more than 4,000 adults, which was carried out for the British Heart Foundation by YouGov, shows that a third of people have never learned CPR. Of those, almost half said it was because they didn’t know where to learn, while nearly a quarter said they didn’t have the confidence to learn.
Clive Owen LLP is committed to workplace wellbeing and has already invested in mental health training for its management team. It’s also trained an additional seven Mental Health First Aiders as a wellbeing support team to help their teams as needed. The partnership also offers an innovative 9-day working fortnight initiative and flexible working to support work life balance, diversity, equality and inclusivity.
Rosemary Anderson, tax partner and head of the York office at Clive Owen LLP said: “The defibrillator is a vital piece of equipment for our colleagues, and also for the wider community.
“I am delighted that Louise and Ryan have stepped forward to volunteer for the training. It shows great commitment to learning skills that are incredibly important and have the potential to save a life.”
Louise Harrison, assistant tax manager said: “I wanted to undertake this training because it gives me the confidence to help someone who needs it. It is a skill that will be invaluable in every aspect of my life. It is typical of the firm to offer this opportunity.”